Who We Are

At the Ezra Institute we're working to…

• Restore gospel confidence among God's people
• Renew understanding of the scope and power of the Word of God
• Rebuild a Christian philosophy of life for every sphere
• Recover a message of redemption that claims all of creation as the theatre of God's glory

Training Programs

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advanced studies in cultural leadership and Christian philosophy

Worldview Leadership Youth Academy_3

worldview and apologetics training for youth

biblical worldview training for teens

worldview training for pastors and church ministry leaders

advanced studies in faithful cultural leadership

Christianity and culture

worldview training for Christians in all spheres

Featured Resources

Collective Stupidity & the Urgent Need for Christian Education

Collective Stupidity & the Urgent Need for Christian Education

The Task If you see a turtle perched on top of a fencepost, you know immediately he…

Conversations & Presuppositions Q & A with Dr. Joe Boot

Conversations & Presuppositions Q & A with Dr. Joe Boot

Our series, Conversations & Presuppositions, has generated a lot of questions. On this week’s Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Dr. Joe Boot and Pastor Nate Wright answer some of those questions.

Conflicted Comrades: The Left and Islam’s Unholy Alliance Against Christianity

Conflicted Comrades: The Left and Islam’s Unholy Alliance Against Christianity

Continuing our series Conversations & Presuppositions, Dr. Michael Thiessen and Pastor Nate Wright unpack the worldview convergence of the conflicted Red-Green Alliance between Leftist communists (red) and Islam (green). It turns out that what unites them is a common enemy, namely, Christ and His Church, and anything built upon that sure foundation.

Euthanasia: Death by Doctor  & the Cosmology of Killing

Euthanasia: Death by Doctor & the Cosmology of Killing

In the fifth episode of our series, Conversations & Presuppositions, thanks to the recent controversy in the UK, Dr. Michael Thiessen and Dr. Joe Boot wade into the current cultural conversation on euthanasia (lit. “the good death”), or as it is euphemistically called assisted suicide, join the discussion as they unpack what lies beneath the culture of death as it spreads throughout the world, and why Christians need to cultivate a thoroughgoing Christian view of the sanctity of life.

SHOCKING! “Murders Gonna Murder”: Pro-Aborts Say the Quiet Part Out Loud

SHOCKING! “Murders Gonna Murder”: Pro-Aborts Say the Quiet Part Out Loud

In the fourth episode of our series, Conversations & Presuppositions, Dr. Michael Thiessen and Pastor Nate Wright examine a SHOCKING evolution in the abortion debate. Since pro-aborts have lost the scientific argument concerning when life begins, they’re now admitting that abortion is murder and arguing for their right to murder innocent, living children inside the womb.

Does the Bible Condone Slavery? – Part II: Choose Ye this Day, Slavery or Liberty in Christ?

Does the Bible Condone Slavery? – Part II: Choose Ye this Day, Slavery or Liberty in Christ?

In this third episode of our new series, Conversations & Presuppositions, Doctors Boot and Thiessen revisit their conversation on slavery and the Bible by examining why Christianity is the only worldview that can consistently lead to liberty and how a culture’s rejection of Christ naturally leads to slavery. Choose ye this day, dear listener, freedom in Christ or slavery to sin and death?

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